EU Commanders’ Conference and meetings with Military Authorities in Poland

Cracow, Poland 14th Nov. Operation Commander of EUNAVFOR MED IRINI, RAdm Valentino RINALDI participated at the annual EU Commanders’ Conference, this year focused on the theme “Readiness”.
The conference was chaired by the European Union Military Staff Director General, LtGen Michiel VAN DER LAAN and hosted by LtGen Adam JOKS, Commander of the 2nd Polish Corps – Land Component Command.
The aim of this annual meeting of the Commanders of the EU Member States and the European Union Military Staff (EUMS) is the achievement of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) which requires coordination of aspects relating to the strengthening of interoperability, planning and joint conduct of European operations and missions.
This year’s discussion was focused on implementation of the so-called “Strategic Compass” and particularly on the topics of Rapid Deployment Capacity, Advance Planning and Exercises for enhanced readiness, which sets the direction for the EU’s security and defence in face of emerging threats.
During this conference and other meetings held in Poland, RAdm RINALDI had the opportunity to present to the Military Authorities the state of play, achievements and future developments of Operation IRINI and to discuss the challenges posed by the current geopolitical context.