A delegation of the Italian Space Agency visited EUNAVFOR MED Operation IRINI OHQ

Director Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) with Commander Italian Comando Operazioni Spaziali (COS) visited EUNAVFOR MED IRINI Headquarters (OHQ) and was received by IRINI’s Chief of Staff, Commodore Charitos Prokopios (GR N).
Dr. Luca Salamone, ASI General Director, and Brigadier General Luca Monaco, COS Commander, leading the distinguished delegation, were briefed on the results achieved by IRINI in the Central Mediterranean supporting the implementation of the United Nations arms embargo on Libya, the prevention of the illegal export of crude oil and the disruption of the human smuggling and trafficking business model.
The importance of this Maritime Security Operation supporting stability and peace in Libya was emphasized by Commodore Charitos Prokopios to the distinguished guests during the visit that ended in the Joint Operation Centre, where the comprehensive picture of the entire Area of Operation was shown to the delegation.