Operation Commander Rear Admiral (UH)Valentino Rinaldi

Rear Admiral Valentino Rinaldi was born in Pollena Trocchia (NA) on May 31, 1972. He joined the Naval Academy in Livorno in 1990 and graduated in 1994.
During his career, he has served onboard different units of the Italian Navy and was appointed as Commanding Officer of the followonig ships:
• ITS GALATEA (hidrographic ship, NINFE class) from 2003 to 2004;
• ITS EURO (frigate, Maestrale class) from 2011 to 2013;
• ITS ANDREA DORIA (destroyer, Orizzonte class) from 2017 to 2018.
From 2006 to 2011, he was assigned to the Defense General Staff, and from 2013 to 2017, he served at the Fleet Command Headquarters. From 2019 to 2021, he served at the Italian Navy General Staff, firstly as Head of Operations Department, and then as the Head of the Interministerial Relations and Territorial Coordination Office.
Rear Admiral Valentino Rinaldi achieved a degree in Maritime and Naval Sciences (University of Pisa), and in Computer Sciences (University of Salerno). He obtained a second-level Master’s degree in Marine Geomatics (University of Genoa), a second-level Master’s degree in Strategic-Military International Studies (LUISS university), and a second-level Master’s degree in Global Security Strategy (University of Turin).
He also attended the following courses:
1999 – Telecommunication. Navigation, Command and Control Officer;
2009 – Joint Staff College in Rome (12th Course);
2010 – Legal Advisor of the Armed Forces (11th Course);
2018 – Regular Session of the Defence Higher Studies’ Institute (70th Course).
From September 2021 to February 2023 Admiral Rinaldi assumed the role of Commander of the Third Naval Division (COMDINAV 3), Commander of the national Amphibious Task Force (CATF), and Deputy Commander of the Italian Maritime Forces (Deputy COMITMARFOR). During this commitment, he carried out the following duties:
– Commander of Amphibious Task Force (CATF) for the NATO Response Force (NRF) during rotation 2022 (with a stand-by period of 1 year), after the achievement of NATO readiness certification achieved on October 2021 during the major Italian Navy exercise MARE APERTO 21;
– Force Commander of Task Group 425.01 during national operation MARE SICURO – 47th rotation during the period November – December 2021;
– Commander of the Amphibious Task Force during NATO excercise Cold Response-22 (March 2022), the main exercise of the NATO Response Force, conducted in the Arctic region of Norwegian fjords;
– Force Commander of Task Group 425.01 during the 1st Rotation of Operation MEDITERRANEO SICURO (July – September 2022).
From April to September 2023 he served as the Force Commander of the EUNAVFOR MED – IRINI operation.
From October 2023, he held the position of Head of the Amphibious Department and the Command of the Italian Amphibious Force.
From 19th July 2024, he is the Operation Commander of EUNAVFOR MED Operation IRINI.
The Rear Admiral Rinaldi has been awarded the following honors and service ribbons:
– Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic;
– Maurician Medal for Merit of 10 Decades of Military Career;
– Medal for Long Command (15 years);
– Medal of Honor for Long Navigation (15 years);
– Gold Cross for Length of Service (40 years);
– Commemorative Cross for participation in cooperation operations outside the national territory;
– Commemorative Cross for operations in safeguarding free institutions and maintaining public order;
– Commemorative Medal for Antarctic Research Campaign;
– Eunavfor Med – Operation IRINI Medal;
– Ribbon of merit for service rendered at the Defense General Staff;
– Ribbon of merit for service rendered at the Navy General Staff;
– Ribbon of merit for Admiral Officers in Command of a national operation or campaigns;
– Ribbon of merit for Admiral Officers in Command of an international operation or campaigns;
– Ribbon of merit for personnel involved in the Covid-19 emergency;
– German Sports Badge (DOSB).
He is married to Mrs. Silvia and has two children: Eleonora and Davide.