Admiral Robert P. Burke, Commander of NATO Allied Joint Force Command Naples, visited IRINI’s Headquarters

Admiral Robert P. Burke, Commander of NATO Allied Joint Force Command Naples and Commander of the US Naval Forces in Europe and Africa, has visited IRINI’s Headquarters in Rome accompanied by the Commander of the Italian Joint Operation Headquarters, General Luciano Portolano.
He was welcomed by IRINI’s Operation Commander, Rear Admiral Fabio Agostini, and his staff.
This visit follows Rear Admiral Agostini visit to JFC Naples in September 2020.
“Central Mediterranean security is in the interest of the European Union as well as NATO and US. All the necessary efforts should be put in place to enhance the cooperation and the exchange of information among all the actors engaged in this crucial area, with the common aim of bringing peace and stability to Libya”, said Admiral Agostini.
In return, Admiral Burke expressed sincere appreciation for the impartial results achieved by the Operation “in such a short time” and showed to be open to discuss how to bring forward the operational cooperation in the area. This year marks the 70th anniversary of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).