Admiral Stuart B. Munsch, Commander of the NATO Joint Force Command in Naples, visited EUNAVFOR MED Operation IRINI HQ

The Commander of the NATO Joint Force Command (JFC) Naples, Admiral Stuart B. Munsch, accompanied by Lieutenant General Vasco Angelotti (Italian Army), Chief of Staff at JFC Naples and Head of European Union Command Element, visited EUNAVFOR MED Operation IRINI Headquarters in Rome. Received by the Operation Commander, Rear Admiral Stefano Turchetto, Admiral Munsch was briefed on the IRINI’s State of Play.
COM JFC Naples spent very kind words in appreciation of the Headquarters professionality and commitment in supporting the enforcement of the UN Arms Embargo on Libya, the prevention of illicit export of petroleum and the disruption of the business model of human trafficking. The visit ended in the Joint Operation Centre (JOC), the operational heart of the headquarters, from where the activities are planned, conducted and controlled.
Admiral Munsch assumed his current role in June 2022, he directs a Joint and Combined NATO Command responsible for planning and conducting military operations throughout the Supreme Allied Commander Europe’s (SACEUR) area of responsibility. He concurrently serves as Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe and U.S. Naval Forces Africa, where his area of responsibility encompasses the waters bordering the coasts of Europe and Africa, including the Baltic, Mediterranean and Black Seas.