EUNAVFOR MED IRINI: Greece takes over the Force Command

Taranto, Italy – 19 October 2020
The new Force Commander of Operation EUNAVFORM MED IRINI is Commodore Theodoros Mikropoulos from Greece. Starting from today, he will take over the command of assets at sea, while Italy’s Rear Admiral Fabio Agostini will continue to guide the Operation from the Operational Headquarters in Rome.
Mikropoulos, from the Hellenic navy, has served in a wide variety of command and staff appointments at the tactical, operational and strategic levels.
He served also as chief of staff of the EU Operational Headquarters (OHQ) of Operation EUNAVFOR MED IRINI in Rome until beginning of October. Commodore Mikropoulos succeeds Rear Admiral Ettore Socci from the Italian Navy.
“Theodoros Mikropoulos, with the passion and loyalty he has always shown will surely work to ensure the mission is fully effective”, said Operation Commander, Admiral Fabio Agostini.
“Operation IRINI was born in full Covid-19 pandemic but it has already delivered some significant results in terms of collection of information and deterrent effect on both arms trafficking and oil smuggling sectors. These results have been achieved in no small part thanks to the dedicated and tireless work of the Force commander Admiral Ettore Socci during his mandate” concluded Admiral Agostini.
Bravo Zulu to Adm Socci, fair wind and following seas to Commodore Mikropoulos!
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