EUNAVFOR MED IRINI OHQ hosted the European Defense Agency’s MARSUR project demonstration.

From 18th to 20th February, EUNAVFOR MED IRINI hosted the Operational Capability Demonstration of the Maritime Surveillance Project (MARSUR) at the Operational Headquarters (OHQ) in Rome, organized by the European Defence Agency (EDA).
The IRINI Operation Commander (OPCDR), RAdm. Valentino RINALDI, welcomed the Armament and Planning Director at the European Defence Agency, Lt. Gen. Stefano CONT, who chaired the event and presented it to the distinguished civilian and military guests attending.
MARSUR Networking – Operational Support and Development, also known as MARSUR III, is an EDA project funded and developed by 16 EU Member States. It aims to improve the Recognised Maritime Picture (RMP) of European navies and support EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) operations.
Operation IRINI, which directs naval and air assets through its Joint Operational Center (JOC) located at the OHQ and is responsible for enforcing the arms embargo on Libya and combating illicit trafficking of people and oil in the Mediterranean, provides a perfect setting to demonstrate the capabilities of the MARSUR project as a network able to aggregate information provided by Member States through their operational centers and maritime assets, thus enabling the enhancement of Maritime Domain Awareness.
The demonstration was preceded by an in-depth presentation of key Maritime Security issues, by distinguished academic speakers and representatives of European External Action Service (EEAS) and European Union Military Staff (EUMS), and it was also a perfect opportunity to get an overview of the main aspects that characterize the three ongoing EU maritime operations: Op. Atalanta, Irini and Aspides, represented at high level by their respective OPCDR or senior delegates.
The event was an excellent opportunity for key maritime stakeholders to experience a common platform for exchange and sharing information, while expressing their perspectives on effective Maritime Situational Awareness to ensure Maritime Security.
In this sense, the EDA’s MARSUR project has proven to be a highly effective tool for improving Maritime Situational Awareness, providing a comprehensive maritime picture in support of CSDP operations and confirming the importance of continued cooperation and information sharing to ensure Maritime Security.