The EUNAVFORMED IRINI Calendar for 2021 now available on line

On 22 December. From today it is possible to download the EUNAVFOR MED IRINI’s 2021Calendar.
The EUNAVFOR MED IRINI‘s Calendar for 2021 portrays the tenacity and constant commitment of the proud and capable women and men from several European Union Member States, engaged in the Operation at all levels, on land at sea and in the air in a period inextricably linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. They will all be IRINI’s strength and guide in the New Year.
The images collected in this 2021 Calendar, often captured in frenetic moments, tell about Operation’s goals and results but also give us back some of our best memories. Through the pages of the 2021 Calendar of Operation EUNAVFOR MED IRINI there is so much of the past year and so much that already belongs to the future: the heritage of values form one side and the challenges to face in the near future. In this context, it is possible to continuously rely heavily on the qualitative contribution of the personnel of EUNAVFOR MED IRINI, on its competence, flexibility, perseverance, smartness and utter dedication.
“The women and men of EUNAFOR MED IRINI represent a message of perfect blend of specificity, different cultures and professionalism.” I hope this can be perceived by browsing the pages of the Calendar”. Admiral Fabio AGOSTINI, Operation Commander, said presenting the 2021 Calendar. “Like most of commitments in other parts of the world and in other Operations, our staff absolute determination and passion has been and will be the key for success in contributing to Europe’s effort for international peace and security.”
In this 2021 Calendar, particular attention is also dedicated to the area of human rights and gender issues, and a special section is dedicated to these important subjects.
With this Calendar, the personnel of Operation EUNAVFOR MED IRINI wish a good 2021 in the name of peace, #irini4peace !
Here, you can download the 2021 Calendar
Operation Irini
Operation Irini (named after the Greek word for “peace”) was planned in a very short timeframe and launched on 31 March, following a decision by the Council of the European Union. The main task is the implementation of the arms embargo in Libya under the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. The Operation has also secondary tasks including monitoring illegal oil trafficking from Libya, contributing to countering human trafficking and smuggling activities (through air monitoring) and contributing to the training of Libyan Coast Guard and Navy.
For more information on the Operation
For more information on the assets
Operation Commander and Force Commander
The Operation Commander is the Rear Admiral Fabio Agostini. He represents the EU military strategic level of the Operation and exercises his duties from the headquarters located within the premises of the Italian Joint Operations HQ in Rome. See the biography of Operation Commander, Admiral Fabio Agostini at
The Force Commander is the Commander of the assets (naval and aerial) deployed in the Area of Operation. The Force Commander acts under the authority of the Operation Commander. In the Force Commander office, Italy and Greece will alternate on a half-yearly basis.