EUNAVFORMED IRINI presented the 6 Monthly Report to the EU Military Committee

27th November, Bruxelles. Rear Admiral Valentino RINALDI, EUNAVFOR MED IRINI Operation Commander (OPCDR), presented and discussed within the EU Military Committee the Six Monthly Report covering the period from 1st April to 30th September 2024, in the presence of the General Robert Brieger, Chairman of the Committee.
The purpose of this 6 Six Monthly Report is to inform the Strategic Review to be completed in early next year, aimed at monitoring the current situation and renewing the mandate of the Operation, currently planned until 31 March 2025.
During the meeting, the key tasks of Operation IRINI were highlighted: countering illicit arms trafficking and implementation of arms embargo on Libya, gathering information on oil smuggling, disrupting of the business model of human smuggling and providing capacity building and training of the Libyans institutions responsible for law enforcement and search and rescue at sea.
“In this challenging scenario of enduring instability and permanent conflict Operation IRINI still has proven to be the only international operating actor, able to implement the UN arms embargo on Libya, with an impartial and balanced approach”, added RAdm RINALDI, in view of the 2025 Strategic Review for the renewal of IRINI mandate.
During his visit to Brussels, Admiral RINALDI also had the opportunity to continue a series of fruitful meetings with the PSC ambassadors to explain the results of the operation and discuss its main aspects.