First International Festival of European Geopolitics: Interview of Irini’s Operation Commander

As a part of International Festival of European Geopolitics, which will be held in Jesolo from 6 to 9 May 2021, on 4 December 2020, the Italian journalist Eleonora Lorusso interviewed the Rear Admiral Fabio Agostini, Operation Commander of EUNAFOR MED IRINI, about the relevant role of the Operation, the complex Mediterranean scenario and efforts for its security and stability.
“The Mediterranean basin is now a liquid bridge in continuity with commercial connections ranging from the Atlantic to the Indo-pacific, a field of challenges and great opportunities that the Covid-19 pandemic forces us to seize” said the OPCDR during the interview via videoteleconference. “It is an area with a very high rate of economic and cultural exchanges, with historical and new players as well as regional powers interested in having some influent weight in the matter. IRINI has the ambition to give a proactive contribution to the stabilization of the area. Remaining equidistant from the parties, we work day by day to guarantee stability and security in the central Mediterranean. It is our job to be proactive and vigilant for the common welfare.”
The International Festival of European Geopolitics will be the first in-depth and dissemination event of geostrategic policies from a supra-state and European point of view rather than from a single national perspectives.