General Valdemaras Rupšys, Chief of Defence of the Republic of Lithuania, visited EUNAVFOR MED IRINI OHQ

Yesterday the Chief of Defence of the Republic of Lithuania, General Valdemaras Rupšys, visited EUNAVFOR MED IRINI Operation Headquarters in Rome and met with the Deputy Operation Commander, Rear Admiral Guillaume Fontarensky.
The Republic of Lithuania is among the 23 EU Member States participating to IRINI, the Operation carried out under the EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) in the Central Mediterranean in support of the ongoing International and, in particular, European efforts toward the stabilization of Libya.
General Rupšys received an in-depth update of the Operation and the last results achieved. Before leaving the OHQ, he and Admiral Fontarensky shared their views on the EU engagement and possible developments in the Mediterranean and the North African areas.