Operation EUNAVFOR MED IRINI signs agreement with Fondazione Rava – NPH Italia Onlus

Operation EUNAVFOR MED IRINI has signed an agreement with Fondazione Rava – NPH Italia Onlus. Fondazione Rava will assist Operation IRINI in the medical training by providing medical and paramedical personnel and expertise. Next step will be the activation of a BLSD (Basic Life Support and Defibrillation) course in favour of the staff in the Operation IRINI’s Headquarters.
Fondazione Francesca Rava NPH Italia Onlus is an independent, non-political, charitable non-profit foundation, whose mission is to help vulnerable children and women in serious need, in Italy and worldwide, through medical, educational, development programs and emergency response projects. Fondazione Rava represents in Italy NPH (Nuestros PequenosHermanos), an international organization that helps orphans and abandoned children since 1954.
“The agreement is a fundamental step for the mandate of IRINI, recently extended by the EU Council until March 2023, which include the training for the management and the assistance in case of any emergency at sea “ said Operation IRINI Commander, Admiral Fabio Agostini.
Mariavittoria Rava, chairman of Fondazione Francesca Rava, declared: “Fondazione Francesca Rava is honoured to be partner of the Irini operation. Our medical volunteers have long time experience for emergency at sea and are ready to provide their competence and know how, to train the forces deployed in the first line, in continuity with the capacity building programs carried out in the past”.