Operation Irini: passex exercise between IRINI’s Flagship Adrias and Italian warships

On 4th December – the Greek Frigate Adrias, IRINI’s Flagship, undertaken a Passage Exercise (PASSEX) in the Mediterranean Sea with two Italian warships, the aircraft carrier Garibaldi and the frigate Bergamini.
The PASSEXs are examples of cooperation between different naval assets to improve their operational effectiveness and increase the level of training of the crews, strengthening the degree of inter-operability.
PASSEXs are conducted regularly by EU navies, whilst visiting each other’s ports or during a rendezvous at sea.
This exercise aimed at enhancing interoperability, improving understanding and imbibing best practices, reflected the cooperation in the maritime domain between navies involved in Operation IRINI.
IRINI is a concrete example of multinational collaboration aimed at implementing in an effective, balance and impartial manner the Arms Embargo on Libya.