Rear Admiral Stefano Turchetto met with Mrs Emanuela Del Re, EU Special Representative to Sahel
Without a stabilized Libya there will be no stability in Sahel and without stability in the Sahel, Libya won’t be stabilized

Rear Admiral Stefano Turchetto met yesterday with Mrs Emanuela Claudia Del Re, EU Special Representative to Sahel in the IRINI OHQ in Rome.
“Without a stabilized Libya there will be no stability in Sahel and without stability in the Sahel, Libya won’t be stabilized. Sahel can be seen as the true southern border of Europe, explained the EUSR. It is characterized by different crises like in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Chad where armed groups, often affiliated to terrorist organizations, or Private Military Companies as the Russian Wagner group, are very active and expanding their influence. A frontline where – continued Professor Del Re – people lives and humanitarian rights are at stake. Those People and those rights, foundations of the EU Integrated Approach, and objective of a shared policy focused on the women and men living in the area”.

Rear Admiral Turchetto also underscored the importance of the EU Approach and how much Libya and Sahel are interconnected: “IRINI is the Greek word for peace, and peace is the effect we are looking for Libya and the whole Sahel. The Operation supports the enforcement of the UN Resolutions, providing stability and security in the Central Mediterranean and to North Africa and Sahel”.

The European Special Representative finally thanked Rear Admiral Turchetto: “IRINI is essential to achieve such common challenging goals and is admirably led by its Operation Commander, moreover it represents a flagship activity for the European Union and its Member States”.
IRINI wishes Mrs Del Re all the best for her mission so interlinked to ours, looking forward to having Her here again.