Technical meeting of EUNAVFOR MED IRINI with a delegation of the Libyan military authorities to launch Capacity Building and Trainings opportunities

On 19th and 20th December 2024 EUNAVFOR MED IRINI and European Delegation to Libya hosted the Libyan Joint Military Commission 5+5 and other Libyan military authorities for a meeting in Rome with representatives from UNSMIL, EUBAM Libya and the European External Action Service (EEAS).
IRINI Operation Commander, Rear Admiral Valentino RINALDI, during the meeting, had the opportunity to present the State of Play of Operation and to discuss with the Libyan authorities about the proposal of starting capacity building and training activities for the Libyan Institutions responsible for law enforcement and Search and Rescue (SAR) at sea, in line with the integrated approach and close cooperation between EU institutions.
Furthermore, the delegation had the opportunity to visit IRINI Operational Headquarters (OHQ) that operates on a 24/7 basis maintaining real-time Maritime Situational Awareness across the Central Mediterranean area, thus having the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the capabilities and activities of the Operation.