The Assistant Chief of Staff of the Irish Defence Forces, Brigadier General Rossa Mulcahy, visited EUNAVFOR MED Operation IRINI OHQ

Yesterday the Assistant Chief of Staff of the Irish Defence Forces, Brigadier General Rossa Mulcahy, visited EUNAVFOR MED IRINI Operation Headquarters (OHQ).
The visit reaffirms the commitment, with Personnel and Military Units, of the Republic of Ireland to the Operation that currently counts on 23 EU Member States.
Brigadier General Rossa Mulcahy was received by the Deputy Commander, Rear Admiral Guillaume Fontarensky, and briefed on Operation IRINI state of play and its achievements in supporting the implementation of the UN arms embargo on Libya.
The importance of this Security Operation supporting the stability and peace in the Mediterranean area was emphasized by Rear Admiral Guillaume Fontarensky in his welcome address.
Brigadier General Rossa Mulcahy had the opportunity to meet the National Contingent currently deployed at the OHQ expressing his appreciation for their work and professionalism.
The visit ended in the Joint Operation Centre (JOC), the operational heart of the OHQ.