Visit of EUROMARFOR to the IRINI Operational Headquarter in Rome

Wednesday, 6th November at the IRINI Operational Headquarters (OHQ) in Rome, Rear Admiral Valentino RINALDI, EUNAVFOR MED IRINI Operation Commander (OPCDR) and Rear Admiral Guillaume FONTARENSKY, Deputy Commander, welcomed a delegation from EUROMARFOR (EMF), the European Maritime Force composed by France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.
Established in 1995, EUROMARFOR (EMF) is a flexible non-standing multinational force deployable under EU, NATO or UN mandate to fulfill missions such as sea control, humanitarian missions, peacekeeping operations, crisis response operations, and peace enforcement.
After a first address of greeting by the IRINI’s OPCDR, delegation was briefed on the Operation state of play, focusing on future challenges and developments. Later the delegation had the chance to visit the OHQ Joint Operation Center (JOC) responsible for keeping, on a 24/7 basis, an effective Maritime Situational Awareness in the Area of Operation and close coordination with the Force Headquarters (FHQ) at sea.
The visit underscored closeness between IRINI and EUROMARFOR, both committed to strengthening Maritime Security while maintaining an impartial and balanced role. Dialogue and mutual support are essential elements to ensure an effective contribution to the EU Maritime Security Strategy.